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  1. Fogell

    Swine Virus

    earthquake just hit outside of mexico city... mayans of by 3 years?
  2. Fogell

    transfering to physiotherapy

    also UWS is opening up a physio course. Not sure when theyll take first years but itl probably start from 2010. Judging by the uai requirments for its other courses itl be lower than the usyd cuttoff. And if you can get a 95-96 uai you'll probably get into Usyd because the usyd cuttoff will...
  3. Fogell

    I'm the king of kings: Gaddafi storms out of Arab summit

    we already know you like to rubbish all things arab so umm your threads are kinda loosing its venom.
  4. Fogell

    Do you Floss everyday?

    i feel really dumb getting 1000mg tablet bottles from priceline now
  5. Fogell

    Transitions Lenses Cool or Not?

    Transitions lenses almost cost twice as much as the frames and they supposedly protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, but do you look lame or tryhard in them or are they ok to wear walk around in? And unlike the ad on tv they don't change in a split second they have a lag of about a minute...
  6. Fogell

    Do you Floss everyday?

    oh that used to happen to me, but if you take 1000mg vitamin c tablets daily it cures the bleeding. Generally its not gingivitis or anything just a deficiency in vitamin c. It pretty much cures it staight away.
  7. Fogell

    Where are the standards of a University education heading?

    can we have a petition for zimmerman to get rid of his signature. i made a thread but it got deleted.
  8. Fogell

    Do you Floss everyday?

    apparently if you don't it causes gum recession i floss before bed only isnt that what your supposed to do?
  9. Fogell

    Do you Floss everyday?

    do you?
  10. Fogell

    'White, blue-eyed bankers brought world economy to its knees': Brazillian President

    Re: 'White, blue-eyed bankers brought world economy to its knees': Brazillian Preside are there blue eyed jewish people?
  11. Fogell

    'White, blue-eyed bankers brought world economy to its knees': Brazillian President

    Re: 'White, blue-eyed bankers brought world economy to its knees': Brazillian Preside ur epic fail shit thread
  12. Fogell

    med advice

    UWS not so much, but i heard UNSW uses all three(umat, uai and Interview) so u can get uai below cuttoff uai and still get in
  13. Fogell

    Man murdered for having sex in graveyard

    do u mind if i have that pic, it highlights my good looks hehehe
  14. Fogell

    Man murdered for having sex in graveyard

    where did you get that pic of me from? such a facebook stalkeeeeeeeer hehehhe
  15. Fogell


    i'v only ever seen asians working behind the counter, i swear there is institutional racism going on at easyway its like 711 indian owner = indian servo dude. Maybe they don't want their secret recipes getting into the wrong hands kinda like the soup nazi in seinfield which is fair enough taro ftmw
  16. Fogell

    Where are the standards of a University education heading?

    i think all uni's should adopt something similiar to the Umelb model, essentially becoming yanks we should all have to do some generic arts or science or business degree and from their only the brightest minds are allowed to get into the mba-(the commerce degree now) JD-(llb now) and then the...
  17. Fogell

    Where are the standards of a University education heading?

    only a few pick marketing so itl be alright in away but accounting every second person u bump into at uni is doing it... 10 -15 years ago it would have been the same thing with IT software engineering 'oh lets be the next bill gates hehehehehe' now its turned to 'oh lets be the next...
  18. Fogell

    Where are the standards of a University education heading?

    i read somewhere might have been on BOS, 150000 uni offers were made through out australia and 11000 rejected them and how uni's need to cash in one these people who reject offers... but thats 150000 new students going into uni but after 4 or 3 or 5 or whateva number of years later there...
  19. Fogell

    Trading cadetship

    its given by Merryl and UBS and i also think ABN amro but its only for Usyd or UNSW prospective undergrads, they don't specify for mac uni students but apply anyway around september
  20. Fogell


    Considering there are limited jobs at the moment in the field of mechatronics, it MIGHT be a good idea to go to the University of Sydney. That way if you need to apply for jobs overseas like in the UK, US Jap or china where i assume all the mechatronic type jobs are at (at the moment) they will...