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  1. L

    Anicent History Historical Investagation Help!

    I got no idea where to start, my focus question is How did the Han dynasty fall but i got no clue how to start? Any tips? and good sources? Where should i start? What question should i include? Thanks. :confused:
  2. L

    year 12 uai marks

    Thanks :)
  3. L

    year 12 uai marks

    Hey i was wondering if this year currently in year 11 marks in year 11 counts towards uai marks in year 12? kinda confused cause i heard from one of my younger cousins in year 10.
  4. L

    Year 12 subjects

    Okie so heres my problem, atm im doing Maths 2unit English 2unit Ancient history Ipt Business studies Slr 2 unit and so far i think business studies and ipt are very boring and confusing. I was wondering in year 12 can i drop one of those subjects or i cant because Slr doesnt...