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Search results

  1. L

    DL Limewire PRO FREE!

    download limewire pro free lol go to limewire search "limewire pro" and there you goo FREE LIMEWIRE PRO tell me how it went 4 you ppl bkoz i did it a while ago :)
  2. L

    Chuck Norris jokes??

    Chuck Norris Facts ders the link to the jokes....if uve neva herd a chuck norris joke :L
  3. L

    Chuck Norris jokes??

  4. L

    Bebo VS Facebook

  5. L

    Whose in2 U18Z DANCE PARTYZ ?

    4 looserz? broo have you eva looked at urself in the mirror??'' :haha::haha::haha: say HI 5 if you agree wif me ppl ;)
  6. L

    HEYY u wer quick lol yahh the poll iz upp choose bebo ;)

    HEYY u wer quick lol yahh the poll iz upp choose bebo ;)
  7. L

    Bebo VS Facebook

    ok OK.. why iz every1 migrating to facebook iz bebo really dieing out??but wtf iz soo good bout fb? every1z opinions on watz betta?!! note**didnt bother putting Myspace in the poll bkoz itz wayy too shitty:S
  8. L

    CLAIMING COMPENSATION - can casual workers claim??

    my mate had a incident at KFC.... bkoz he waz casual head office told him you cant claim compensation i asked my teacher he said that bullshits and you can still claim soo are kfc bullshit kuntz?? LET ME KNOW WAT UZE THINKK..
  9. L

    Game Maker - NEED HELP

    1st SDD assesment - make a game using game maker 7! decided to make a snake game when the snake turns the whole body moves im trying and trying new shyt cant figure it out :( IZ IT IMPOISSIBLE
  10. L

    Whose in2 U18Z DANCE PARTYZ ?

    ZOMG!! LOVEMmm whose been to some.....wer they fun??or jus a waste of time?
  11. L

    Do anyone here drink beer

    there are better waiiz to have fun
  12. L

    حلال - Halal approved foodstuffs

    Funny how by just reading the name of the thread i knew there waz going to be racism use to it by now lol the thing iz that ppl have to try and get use to living in a society where islam is present. we deal with other religions where we live....datz jus life LIVE WIF IT ;)
  13. L

    hmmmm :)

    hmmmm :)
  14. L

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    BURN AFTER READING dont waste ur precious timeee
  15. L

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    the hair kut like Deal or No Deal girls with the weird fringe wen u buy a grl a movie ticket and deyy force u not to pay den eventually bkoz shiz screaming on top of u .. u give up and let her buy the ticket TURN OFF den dey sayy ZOMG I FEEL BAD .......how the fuk do u tink i feel bitch...