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Search results

  1. G

    Best game of all time??

    the best game for me would be... fFvIII ps1.. fFx ps2.. fFxIII ps3!!!.. hahah too bad the fFxIII wouldn't be out til next year.. but i reckon that it would be my best game for the ps3.. :D
  2. G

    downloading youtube video

    haha. why don't you try youtube downloader. google it.. hahah i've tried that myself.. but the quality's not that good.. maybe you should try it yourself.. :)
  3. G

    choosing which "computer" course

    i can't decide myself as well.. i want a course that's computer related.. but i just can't decide between IT, ECE.. , Computer eng. , computer science.. haha! there's just so many courses named "computer" ! >LOL. :D