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  1. guesswho_paul

    What have you eaten today?

    Maccas breakfast Maccas Lunch Maccas Dinner I'm on the SuperSizeme diet. it all goes to my hair.
  2. guesswho_paul

    "Paparazzi" Music Video by Lady Gaga

    when she was on rove a few weeks back rove asked her a question in the final five, something along the lines of: "If you were a man would you be called: a) Mr Gaga b) sir gaga" Her response was "I'd still be called Lady Gaga..." :spzz: im convinced she has a penis, look at like...5:00...
  3. guesswho_paul

    "Paparazzi" Music Video by Lady Gaga

    best part of that film clip was when she was thrown off the balcony. It also reassures me that she's really a man. Don't as how, I can't justify just works.
  4. guesswho_paul

    Islamic justice

    yeahh it does arab lover
  5. guesswho_paul

    Islamic justice

    i like the way you think. Cull the bastards. Islam will NEVER have any justice whilst im still breathing. The White Australia Policy should never have been abolished. What have the arabs contributed to Australia besides crude oil, greesy kebabs (which is NO wonder why we're not more obese than...
  6. guesswho_paul

    Rudds use of Colloquial Language: Is this the right track?

    its not even the right ocker-ism. "Fair SUCK of the sauce bottle" get it right Krudd.
  7. guesswho_paul

    Do you like maths?

    maths is shit. if we liked maths we'd be stupid enough to make an "I love maths" thread, but we dont. /thread.