Search results

  1. C review of Melbourne U

    I found a review of University of Melbourne. I've been thinking about going to school there. The University of Melbourne Reviews | The University of Melbourne Ratings | University Reviews | College Reviews | Telonu I found their reviews on other companies quite valuabel in helping to...
  2. C

    Best part of your relationship

    I know it's cliche - but we're best friends.
  3. C

    Did Google rip off Leapfish?

    Well, in the beginning of November, I turn my computer on and Leapfish (my homepage) was completely new. It was also much better and in the end I liked it even more. Damn I hate it when things change!! So, Leapfish added a great function which was real-time search, when you could see the latest...
  4. C

    anti virus

    I got the free anti-virus scanner first off there website (Spyware Removal from CyberDefender Internet Security: offering virus scan and anti-spyware downloads) which found a lot of stuff on my system and got rid of the spyware and Trojans. I also had viruses, so I bought the upgrade which got...
  5. C

    hottest male celebrity

    I love One Tree Hill! I don't see people's fascination with Johnny Depp at all. I think he is creepy looking.
  6. C

    anti virus

    Cyberdefender. You can download the scanner for free from their website. The full version also offers round the clock technical assistance.
  7. C

    The best food combinations ever

    I asked my mom to make me tacos and mashed potatoes for my 17th birthday. I figured I couldn't go wrong with my two favorite foods :)
  8. C

    Which is best for weight loss, exercise or diet?

    Save your money and google a diet and exercise plan
  9. C

    Looking for Ideas of Startups or Making Money as a Student.

    You should try to get a job at the university. Often the university employees get tuition discounts too.