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  1. R

    ADF Gap Year

    haha, yeh dont worry about the psych interview, i had a super nice lady who i just chatted to, it was actually the most relaxed part of the day for me so u should be fine :) the hearing test is weird but unless your deaf or hearing impaired its designed for you to pass so should be no troubles...
  2. R

    ADF Gap Year

    hey guys, just to those who were wondering, they have an intake every week into kapooka with 25 ppl each time, my mates in the 1st intake, the 5th of january and they run up thru until march i think so yeh they move through it pretty quickly
  3. R

    ADF Gap Year

    just called the enlistment person and told her bout my bro's 21st i didnt wanna miss and if i could get my date changed, she said that was fine so now i leave on the 16th of february!!!! i'm so stoked, leaving on the 12th of jan was just too soon, i think i deserve a little bit of a break after...
  4. R

    ADF Gap Year

    haha greekgirlie thats really funny wat u said about ur friends not undertsanding it cause mine don't either....i think i've had to explain the process of the Gap year about a 1000 times and i cant understand how they dont get it! theres experience, money, fun and they just give me weird looks...
  5. R

    ADF Gap Year

    hey annzy, yeh i've heard of inverloch thats not too far at all... i'm in for rifleman so i'll be doin the 80 days at kapooka like everyone else, then we get posted to Sydney, Townsville or Darwin dunno till we get there i think... i'm hopin for townsville, i'd love to be in qld, be a nice...
  6. R

    ADF Gap Year

    as far as i know the ppl in melbourne go to the recruiting office at 6:00, theres a few admin things to do or watever and then we get a bus to kapooka gettin there in the arvo?? let me know if thats not right lol
  7. R

    ADF Gap Year

    oh kool, never heard of it! lol......i'm from berwick, pretty big place bout 40min from Melbourne....geez ur gunna have a fun time coming into melbourne by 6:00am, or do u come the night before or something?
  8. R

    ADF Gap Year

    heyy annzy...dunno if u were talkin to me or not lol, but i'm from Melbourne.... congrats on gettin in! thats awesome and i'm sure there'll be heaps of other girls doin it as well so u won't be the only 1 lol! where abouts u from?
  9. R

    ADF Gap Year

    yeh i watched them 2, it all looks awesome except for the high ropes course. i have a crazy fear of heights and it looks really realllllly high lol! plus i know i cant back out or i'll get screamed at. apart from that it looks like its gunna be tough work but really awesome
  10. R

    ADF Gap Year

    haha ila lucky u man. mikey they didnt say specifically how many positions were left but i do know that rifleman is the most competitive position for the Gap year so u'll have to do pretty well at your assessment day (if u make it) in order to get in.. i'm guessing that if thats ur preference...
  11. R

    ADF Gap Year

    oh hey congrats man, how good is it gunna be!!! feb 8 ur lucky, mines jan 12th :( but still cant wait. although i'm not looking forward to doing kapooka in the three hottest months of the year, especially when i read that the area can get extremely hot in summer, up to mid 40's...just imagine...
  12. R

    ADF Gap Year

    nah i found out about a month after my assessment day, my mate had to wait almost two months! pretty nervous wait, but so worth it when they send out ur enlistment letter
  13. R

    ADF Gap Year

    I got enlisted for a rifleman, leavin early january...i'm not even sure if girls can choose that one, cause women in the army can't do combat roles, dunno about for the sake of the gap year though.. i have heard of a few girls going into the army, and there were a fair bit at my you session...
  14. R

    ADF Gap Year

    hey ammelia, i've heard that a lot of girls apply for the navy gap year, but as for army and that i'm not too sure, i have a feeling that army would tend to be more guys than girls, but who knows. what jobs have u applied for?
  15. R

    ADF Gap Year

    yeh man, we can all endure 80 days of hell together lol! i'm tryin to get fit now but i always find tv or computer more appealing than goin to the gym lol, gunna have to change that habit soon
  16. R

    ADF Gap Year

    haha funny how much quicker full time was..congrats anyway i mean if the army was a career u wanted to get into ur prob saving ur self a lot of time by just goin into full time straight away.... good luck with the whole process wat job r u gunna go for?
  17. R

    ADF Gap Year

    hey sorry to all u guys who didn't make it through, its definately unfair to judge you guys before u even had a YOU session, cause many ppl just get their parents to do the online app, cheat basically, when u guys might have done it honestly. one of my mates got through but another got told he...
  18. R

    ADF Gap Year

    hey guys, just found out my enlistment day!!!!!!! didnt think i coudlve waited any longer... 12th of jan is my enlistment day for a rifleman in the army, bit of a bummer, miss out on family holiday to qld but what can you do any one else who was first round ppl get the letter yet? good luck...
  19. R

    ADF Gap Year

    nah man, i'm still waiting to get the blood test done, i wish they would hurry up and send me the forms!!! i hate waiting!!!! have u got ur enlistment date yet, if so, when r u goin? u prob said this already but what job?
  20. R

    ADF Gap Year

    i actually had a really cool guy who gave me the brief interview at my You Session who took me up to the assessment floor and booked me in for an assesment day then and there, but i dont think thats how they usually do it lol....they like to move through the process quickly so they can start all...