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  1. S

    Year 11 English Area of Study and texts

    finallly people doing power ! haha shaksparrow, go on spark notes (SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides) they have notes inrelation to farenheit 451, and also a text relating to power is the movie freedom writers
  2. S

    English Advanced - Texts Related to POWER

    Hey guys im doing the same thing.. sorta lol out area of study is ' Power and the individual ' I have to do a speech in relation to our perscribed text. this being Farenheit 451.. The text i have chosen is the movie Freedom Writers, its a great example of power and its also really ineresting...
  3. S

    School Certificate HISTORY marathon.

    question: Decribe the actions aboriginal people have taken in their struggle for land rights in the post war period.