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  1. I

    Different pathways into UWS

    Hi, Sorry if this has been posted already, but i was wondering Other than directly going into Uni after the HSC, what other pathways can i take to study Teaching/Education at UWS? Pathways I know of: 1. Going Tafe > Children services > UNI 2. UWS Unitrack? I need more information on...
  2. I

    Education/Teaching courses

    sorry for the noob question, but what's the tpc course. I actually don't mind the time.
  3. I

    Tafe courses

    Not too confident on going directly to uni lol yeah, planning to have major studies in English. Is going through child services the only way to study secondary education/teaching?? thanks guys.
  4. I

    Tafe courses

    I was wondering if i were to not make it into uni, are there are any courses in Tafe that could get me into studying secondary education/teaching, if not, are there any other pathways that could lead to education/teaching? thank you.
  5. I

    Education/Teaching courses

    Hi, I was wondering if i were to not make it into uni, are there are any courses in Tafe that could get me into studying secondary education/teaching, if not, are there any other pathways that could lead to education/teaching? thank you.