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  1. diesel lee

    Ok, i've had enough. Add all evidence of +18 gaming here.

    I support completely.
  2. diesel lee

    Aliens vs Predator. Highly anticipated. Completly banned!

    It's YOUR own decision on what YOU want to see and hear and do. It's not up to someone else, that's why WE have FREEDOM. Look's like the wars did nothing, since our liberties are being taken away, little by little.
  3. diesel lee

    Aliens vs Predator. Highly anticipated. Completly banned!

    Right, but kiddies could easily get their little hands on the Unrated DVD/Blu Ray version, for Christmas. I work in retail, and moms and dads are buying Bruno, but they want the Uncut R+18 version, because that's what their 11 year old son/daughter wants on their wish list, as well as a...
  4. diesel lee


    The madness wont stop. They wont stop 'till we're all playing Viva Pinata. Even then so, it's far too violent. You hitting a colorful pinata..oh God my innocent little baby mind. I LOL'ed and felt some rage after reading "Under 18". What the hell?
  5. diesel lee

    Aliens vs Predator. Highly anticipated. Completly banned!

    I don't know who knows, but AvP the new video game, one of the most highest profile games to be soon released, has been officially BANNED for sale in Australia, for being too violent. The same thing happened to Left 4 Dead 2, and they sliced the game up and released a half-arsed version of the...
  6. diesel lee

    Aliens Vs Predator

    NOPE! This game has now been...OFFICIALLY BANNED IN AUSTRALIA! It is the most insane thing ever, after Left 4 Dead 2 was banned, and then sliced and diced and a reheated version came out, but failed badly. Now AvP had been refused classification because it's too violent. Seems us adults cannot...
  7. diesel lee

    What are your favourite guitar solo's?

    Guys, you seem to be forgetting. Go watch Live Sh*t, Binge and Purge by Metallica which was recorded live back in the early 90's. When they played Battery, Kirk's solo was just freakin' mental. I felt my face melt. Do yourself a favor and watch just this clip on Youtube. They pretty much went...
  8. diesel lee

    Shameful Music

    Playing With The Boys by Kenny Loggins. Anyone who knows the 80's and has watched the Top Gun volleyball scene will know what i'm on about. The song itself has enough cheese to make an entire pizza. :D
  9. diesel lee

    Left 4 Dead 2: Banned in Australia.

    Haha, we pay for basic human essentials. We pay more than most countries, actually. We have to pay for our water, our gas, our travel, our roads, our food, the ground our house is on, someone to take our rubbish out etc. Soon, we'll be paying for the air we breath. No, that can't be free, we...
  10. diesel lee

    Best game of all time??

    Street Fighter vs X Men. Ultimate carpal tunnel/finger blister/throat destroying/dollar swallowing game ever made. :karate:
  11. diesel lee

    The most bad-ass videogame character

    Ash from Pokemon Yellow. He has been electrocuted, been through starvation, french fried, slashed, kick in the balls and probably has the case of the blue balls from being largely ignored by Misty. And somehow, he seems perfectly normal. Ultimate bad ass. You would of thought he would, you know...
  12. diesel lee

    Left 4 Dead 2: Banned in Australia.

    The government and classification board still thinks to this day, that only six year old kiddies play video games, and having games like L4D2 and such are incredibly bad for their little innocent minds. You want outrage? Manhunt. COME ON! Solider Of Fortune. Half, actually the whole game was...
  13. diesel lee

    Tekken vs Street Fighter

    haha, true that! then it was Street Fighter VS Marvel as the second best fighting game ever
  14. diesel lee

    Tekken vs Street Fighter

    Tekken 6 came out at the perfect time, after the hype behind SFIV has died down a bit. SSF is more balls out then Tekken, but Tekken you actually need to be a good fighter to win. SF was hella fun when it came out at the arcades..
  15. diesel lee

    nothing but a fat Good Luck

    Good Luck to everyone in their exams. That's all :D
  16. diesel lee

    Number of times failed on your P's test?

    It's costing me about $300 to do my test tomorrow. If I fail...then I will have to go "Grand Theft Auto IV"...
  17. diesel lee

    Help with Learner's logbook/license?

    Sorry to hear that. Don't panic, you don't need a new book. Depending on which RTA you go to (Because although they claim, every RTA is DIFFERENT), they won't ask you too many questions, claim it was only a simple fault. Better to fess up than lie. So long as you know how to drive and perform...
  18. diesel lee

    What car will you get as your first car?

    Toyota Asian pride. Also....extremely rare.
  19. diesel lee


    Thoughts? Could Edward fall in love with Wesley Snipes? Would Edward turn into ash after his body with sliced in half? Would Bella hook up with The Old Guy?
  20. diesel lee

    Campbelltown P's Route

    I'm doing mine tomorrow. I should of done this years ago. To be honest, i'm pretty nervous. I'll be alright I guess. Thanks for the tips guys. I asked one of my mates what's involved, the hill behind Campbelltown, it's kinda near the Public, the hill is pretty steep, and you could either be...