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Search results

  1. H

    99.95 ATAR, 99 Ext1 Maths, 98 Ext 2 Maths Tutoring - @ UNSW or Granville Region

    Hi everyone! I'm a 2011 graduate from James Ruse, and got tutored by Victor. He is an incredible tutor- he is able to provide you with the general solutions to questions, as well as elegant approaches to it, and short-cuts. Victor is not only a mathematical genius, but he's also a committed and...
  2. H

    AM I GETING RIPED OFF?(english tutor)

    About Mr Waldron- if you get one-on-one tutoring with him through North Shore, it's actually $80/h not $60. Also, there seems to be quite a long waiting list for Year 12 students wanting to be tutored by him (he only takes year 12 students due to his high demand).
  3. H

    -isms: Grasping a clear concept

    Liberalism, socialism, fascism, capitalism- even communism~ All the -isms are used so frequently and commonly and yet, I am finding it difficult to get my head over what they mean- not only theoretically, but in PRACTICAL terms. I have tried searching the internet and library...