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    MGMT1001-Managing Organisations and People $40 Complied from: >Management 5th Edition and Organisational Behaviour 6th Edition by UNSW ECON3104-International Macroeconomics International Economics Theory & Policy 8th Edition by Krugen and Obstfeld $50 ACCT 3583-Management Accounting 2...
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    FINS3630, LEGT2741, ACCT3563 and ECON2102 TEXTBOOKS 4 SALE

    FINS 3630 Financial Institutional Management- Anthony saunders, helen lange, anderson etc. $45 LECT2741 Australian Corporate Law 2nd edition- Jason HARRIS, anil hargovan, michael adams etc.- $45 And the Australian Corporate Legisilation-$40 ACCT 3563 Australian Financial Accounting 5th edition...
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    ECON 1203, LEGT 1711 Textbooks 4 sale

    ECON1203 Statistics for Management and Economics 8E by Gerard Keller $60 In superb condition LEGT1711 Business and the Law 5E by Terry & Gingni $60 $100 if purchase both