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    Needing Some English Help Please

    Thanks a lot for this. :) Starting to get an understanding Thanks again
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    Needing Some English Help Please

    i have chosen the movie The Black Knight as my related text. If anybody has seen this would they be able to help me with the changes that are taken place.
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    Ancient History - City of Rome in the Late Republic

    Hey everyone I was wondering if I would be able to get some assistance with my Ancient History Case Study Assignment. I have chosen 'The City of Rome in the Late Republic" as my case study. I need to find the key issues, arachaeologists and what evidence there is to support the case study i...
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    Needing Some English Help Please

    I am a year 11 student who at the moment is struggling a lot with English. I have never been very good at English and i am hoping to change that. I have just changed schools from a school where doing homework and studying was not really necessary to a school which is strict on work and has a...