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  1. F

    which school do you go to? because i recognised some people from your old dp before my name is...

    which school do you go to? because i recognised some people from your old dp before my name is daniel moradian btw wat is urs?
  2. F

    Metals assesment task

    alrite so how shud i do the experiment for that? shud i place the metal in a beaker/test tube and wait for it 2 react with air? or shud i do sumtihng whihc invovles a bunsen burner? im rly confused
  3. F

    Metals assesment task

    Hi my name is Daniel M.(Persian pride) I need help with this assesment whihc is due tommorow: I have to design an experiment about the reactions of metals (copper,zinc,iron,lead) with water,oxygen and dilute acid to determine the metal activity series of the above metals. How do i check...