Is it not weird to meet up with randoms from the net and then getting straight into studying rather than getting to know the person.. because that's what you'd normally do when you meet someone for the first time?
I don't know. Maybe it's just me..
Re: What did you eat today thread?
please elaborate :)
breakfast = weetbix, water
lunch = pasta, pesto bread, water
dinner = chilli chicken with zucchini + rice, coconut juice
a few months ago i went to a free session of Mastering the HSC and the tips they gave on studying and how to learn new materials was invaluable. they went so far as to explain the psychology of our brain and how it works in terms of processing and storing information. seriously, it was some...
i just realised how funny the title of this thread sounds when you read it properly..
anyways, combined chemical engineering/medical science OR science/masters of nutrition and dietetics (both at USYD)