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  1. C

    Hey, are u still interested in: Cambridge Mathematics Year 12 3 Unit Extension 1 HSC (Edition...

    Hey, are u still interested in: Cambridge Mathematics Year 12 3 Unit Extension 1 HSC (Edition 1) Excel - Mathematics - Maths Extension 1 - Study Guide - HSC (Edition 1)
  2. C

    Basser or Village?

    To anyone thats had an interview for a college. What are you suppose to wear? like suit and tie/collared shirt/casual?
  3. C

    My trial -- download.. have a go :)

    Great looking trial. its not a virus btw...
  4. C

    Should English be compulsory??

    Just mentioning, illiterate people most likely leave at the end of year 10... so forcing it upon people that have chosen to continue with the HSC makes no sense with that argument. also "rising number"... i highly doubt there are more illiterate people in Australia then 20 years ago.
  5. C

    2011 CSSA Engineering Exam on Monday!

    Any papers would be good thanks :)
  6. C

    2011 CSSA Engineering Exam on Monday!

    Hey guys, we dont do the CSSA paper for our trial. would someone be able to upload it. cheers
  7. C

    Past Papers

    Does anyone have any past papers for the half-yearly or trials???