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  1. C


    Tram- thanks for the purch. Good to see that the estimates were close to actual ATAR scores. Countdown is on the list. I'll probs make an update sometime after trials.
  2. C


    No need to be a calculHATAR :smile: I was only trying to work it out and giving some cases. Riproot, I don't really understand ur first couple of lines. But thanks for the feedback, glad it's giving good approximations. I'll look into making maths ex1 as 2u. Gigacube- cheers. I'll add...
  3. C


    Im not so sure it works that way. I can be in a school thats top 10 (aka 1%) and not get 99 or even 90+ (10th percentile). I could be coming 1st in all my subjects in a school thats top 10 and still not get over 90 for my ATAR. Simply because the subjects i do are not the subjects that my...
  4. C


    so what you're saying Shadow is that I can implement the school and subject rank feature by adding a random number generator to my app?
  5. C


    Hey guys, Sam here (developer of the app). Found this thread while searching my app on the google. Just to clear things up - the app does not use school or personal ranking but it DOES scale your mark based on the subject. For example it scales Advanced English up and Standard English down...