What ranks would be required to attain an ATAR of 90+? School is ranked about 160. Can one rank significantly stuff up your ATAR too? Like a heap? ... Got my Physics assessment back on Friday, and got 52% (missed a page and lack of study). Weighted at 15%. Ranked around 23/27 or so. I was hoping...
I recently asked for an assessment (which I had already received my marks for about two months ago) back, as I had lost the original copy and would require it to study for my exams. The teacher said no, and that I was not "entitled" to have it. She did, however, say she'd do a photocopy (much to...
Nah, Woolies.
I'm kind of worried, because my shift starts within less than 48 hours. I have, however, had shifts cancelled on me at short notice, so I guess it goes both ways.
You with Big W? What's it like?
I gave them a ring a little while ago. My managers had all left for the day though. So I'll prob give them a buzz first thing in the morning. Hopefully all is sweet.
In all seriousness, just pick anything. 9 times out of 10 you can relate it back to the concept you wish to explore, in this case 'Power and Change'. Try an autobiography?
Pick a book that your teachers will like. Additionally, try and pick two adverse texts. Say, a fiction and non-fiction. Or perhaps a poem? A few of my mates have an even gone as far as using articles and editorials.
How much time do I have to allow my Manager to find a replacement, if I intend on cancelling my shift? I'm rostered on to work Wednesday night, however something has popped up at school of which I need to attend. Would ringing them this afternoon be acceptable? Or is it too late?
I can do the...
The majority of people in my cohort are extremely competitive during the weeks/days leading up to the exams and, at times, can be outright assholes. Can get a tad annoying.
I do believe competition is healthy though.
So I'm starting to deliberate as to whether I should drop Business Studies or Modern History. Business Studies bores me to tears, but I am going pretty well. Modern History on the other hand, I love. Thing is, I'm not all that good at it.
I'd do Business for next year, it's just a lot of...