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  1. I

    Tutoring HSC Eng Adv, Eng Ext 1 +2, Modern, Hist Ext, Economics

    'edit: unfortunately ikandy69 suffers from down syndrome and sometimes struggles to communicate his feelings properly.' modreters please make this user baned for rudess and send me weird link in privat messege he send me this: ' pepper your angus phaggot i can fuckin...
  2. I

    Tutoring HSC Eng Adv, Eng Ext 1 +2, Modern, Hist Ext, Economics

    i have been tutor by brarbie in english adv and ext 1 and econom and my marks really good after i also know campbellkwan in the real life but he rude and is kinda dum i do not recomend him for tutor purpose at all edit: i not try be mean by saying dum i mean he just not know content of sylabus...