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  1. Mistriousfrog

    General thoughts

    I had the same topics as you and answered in the same way. with the first question I talked about set design and then characterisation based on the dialogue and experience performing. Unfortunately I got most of the way through my essay and realised I had only made one reference to personal...
  2. Mistriousfrog

    Module B Hate Thread

    I was lucky enough to have done Kyi as my "might cover this if the question allows" third speech so it wasn't so bad but I can understand the hate if you hadn't prepared for it.
  3. Mistriousfrog

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    I'll be completely honest, it was incredibly complex for a short story. But as a narrative it worked. The main issue is whether you were able to fit it to the question though, because the remembered place should have been a central focus and not merely a passing reference as it appears it may...
  4. Mistriousfrog

    Call Back!!

    apparently one of our girls got the callback for everything in dance. she was pretty stoked.
  5. Mistriousfrog


    My story is one I have used since the school cert in various forms. I never really memorise it but I just have a basic outline of (starts here -> this happens -> ends here). all the details I fill in as I go. It seems to work a majority of the time I find... with luck.
  6. Mistriousfrog

    Section 3 - Extended Response

    mate, so long as it is relevant and justified you can use absolutely anything. In fact if you use more obscure things that people generally won't think about you are usually placed in higher bands for being 'particularly insightful.' My essay was alright though I think it lacked anything...
  7. Mistriousfrog

    How much did you write?

    hey that is an awful lot more than I did. 3, 2, 3
  8. Mistriousfrog

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    My story I have had for years now and I use it whenever an exam crops up because I tend to get full marks whenever I use it. Each year I adapt it to the topic in order to fit it. Unfortunately, despite having good belonging in it, it had virtually nothing to do with "Remembered places"and as...
  9. Mistriousfrog

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    Re: How Great Was That? even if you didn't adress the question in your topic sentences, so long as it is answered in your main discussion you should still get decent marks.
  10. Mistriousfrog

    General thoughts

    I suppose if nothing else, the fact that the final theory exam was only worth 20% of our final mark is good.
  11. Mistriousfrog

    General thoughts

    I sure hope so on that one. The scaling sent an 80 to 67 last year so with any luck we can get some decent scales.
  12. Mistriousfrog

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    Re: How Great Was That? well the topic sentences are supposed to prefix what you are actually writing about so it may leave inconsistency in your writing which could potentially lose marks. There are alot of variable though so as long as it was structured soundly it shouldn't be to bad.
  13. Mistriousfrog

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    Re: How Great Was That? I did see a few of them. it is only to be expected though, I was thouroughly disappointed with this paper.
  14. Mistriousfrog


    this question displeased me greatly. I had to reconfigure a majority of my story to be about a place rather than about the coexistence of societies values against one's own and all this other cool stuff. rage.
  15. Mistriousfrog

    General thoughts

    I have heard a lot of complaints about that question from my classmates and apparently there was a local media story about it (though that is unconfirmed at this point). In all truth though I didn't think it was as difficult as everyone made it out to be. The question was essentially asking for...
  16. Mistriousfrog

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    Re: How Great Was That? Personally, I think we had some of the laziest exam writers ever. In the past 10 years there has not been a single paper that was so focussed on one topic like this one. Why was every single question specified to Places? At least put some variety or wiggle room in there...
  17. Mistriousfrog

    So hows about that HSC drama question?

    I have heard a lot of complaints about that question from my classmates and apparently there was a local media story about it (though that is unconfirmed at this point). In all truth though I didn't think it was as difficult as everyone made it out to be. The question was essentially asking for...