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  1. I

    Worth doing 3 majors or not - your opinion!

    Re: Worth it or not - your opinion! thanks, I'll keep that in mind
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    Worth doing 3 majors or not - your opinion!

    Re: Worth it or not - your opinion! Yep
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    Worth doing 3 majors or not - your opinion!

    Is doing 3 majors such as accounting/economics/finance in my case beneficial or am I better off doing 2 majors? Personally, I'm still a bit unsure about what I want to do so 3 majors sounds like a good option. Then again, from reading many forums online and people's comments, it seems as if 3...
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    2 important queries

    Hey guys, Having just made it into a Bach of Com (Lib Std) at USYD, I have 4 important questions to ask :) 1. For the Accounting and Economics Majors, there is an overlapping unit of study - BUSS1020 (Quantitative Business Analysis). Will this unit count towards both majors or just one of...
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    USYD Roll Call 2012

    bach of com lib studies :)))
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    Quitting a job

    mmm, wish I could but it prolly won't turn out good in the long-term :S damn, I wish the managers didn't handle most of our cash registers - stuffing up our cash flows and giving us warnings - this doesn't look good to a potential employer.....
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    Quitting a job

    @ochaguy: 1. I work at KFC lol 2. Yeah I've had a pretty good relationship with manager. But, recently I've had some cash handling issues which I don't think are totally my fault; i.e. manager draw skimming incorrectly as such and so on... This is the main point of my thread - it has never...
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    Quitting a job

    Hey,In general, if someone were to quit a job with a back-up in mind, would you have to tell your current employer about this one? I'm worried that my manager will be heaps angry and not give me a proper reference...Anyone who has experienced this dilemma, any of your insights would be much...
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    CA Program

    yep, i tried that. it just so happens that the website only contains accredited undergrad courses for 2011 and none for 2012 :L - so not really sure whether my OP is correct or not. thanks for the help nevertheless :)
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    CA Program

    Hey, Does an accounting major at USYD fulfil all of the accredited units of study for the Chartered Accountants program (CA)? I was thinking this because I looked up on the most recent list on their website and the USYD major was missing like 1 unit of study... or maybe things have changed...
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    Any chance of this?

    Hey, I rang USYD about an issue regarding the combined B.IT/COM degree and, despite their help, need further clarification on it. According to website, the degree is heavily geared towards the IT component and so I was wondering if I could get a double major in the commerce part and a single...
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    Scholarships *sigh*

    Hey, Is it possible to apply for the Dean's Encouragement scholarship even if I have already applied for the Merit/Entry Scholarship for the Eng faculty?
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    Computers, Computers, Computers!

    Thanks for that, suddenly feel motivated haha. Just out of curiosity kat, have u done any sort of degree related to IT/computers?
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    Computers, Computers, Computers!

    cheers mate, have u done this degree btw?
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    Computers, Computers, Computers!

    Hey, Having not completed the subjects of IPT and SDD for the HSC, will I find it tough to endure the B.Information Technology at USYD (mainly this or any other unis in general)? Tbh, I'm like below average at computer programming but I wouldn't mind being able to learn it properly at uni...
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    B.Com (Liberal Studies) Vs a B.Commerce/Science

    thanks for the insight man. so basically, the double degree of B.Commerce/Science allows you to have a max of 4 majors compared to 3 in the B.Commerce (Lib Studies) degree? Another benefit I can see of the double degree is that it has a larger CP limit (240 as opposed to 192), which I believe...
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    B.Com (Liberal Studies) Vs a B.Commerce/Science

    Hey, Thanks so far for the help received; just got another question in mind :l I'm interested in doing 3 majors; preferably 2 related to economics/accounting/finance and one in science (mainly out of interest). The B.Com (Liberal Studies) looks like a nice degree with its flexibility and...
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    k, because I'm worried that a straight degree title with 'economics' in it is usually required for economics-related jobs like the RBA in relations to the triple major, how can it be possible if theres a CP limit?
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    definitely man, looks like info day will be packed as usual just another thing; I'm looking to keep my options open so would a major in economics within Bach of Commerce be sufficient to work for an organisation like the RBA? (e.g. economic analysis/data tracking). My aim is to triple major -...
  20. I


    hey, thx for the input :) in general, is there much difference in completing a major in economics through the Bach of Commerce and doing the Bach of Economics itself? I'm hoping to triple major as you suggested including some sort of scientific area (may do combined commerce/science)...