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    4 Unit Maths Tutor Recommendations

    Where is a good 4 unit maths tutor that's after school? Need one starting next term!
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    2012 School Rankings

    Re: Top 100 School Rankings Class of 2013 accelerants saved Fort Street's ass. If you look at the success rate gap with the schools below it is less than 3% from 15 to 22 so if it wasn't for them we probably would've ranked around 20-22.
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    Competition in Industry

    Hey guys, How does competition impact on employment in the aviation industry? I've written a lot on how competition affects price and productivity however it will seem really repetitive if I say firms will aim to hire more people or cut jobs in order to maximise profits to stay competent with...
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    Any good Australian poems about immigrants/by immigrants?

    drovers wife by henry lawson? or Australia by A.D. Hope
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    My school makes me use original articles because they say people can plagiarise by photocopying other students articles which are printed ones off the internet -.- So I can't find any recent articles relating to - the purpose of the hierachy and jurisdiction of state and fed courts - the role...
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    Falling behind due to subject changes.

    Hey guys my school takes a few weeks to process subject changes. This means that I will be weeks behind on chem and bio (the subjects I am changing to). What do I do?!?!?!:angryfire:
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    Should I switch subjects?

    worth it. better than not switching and having to do geography which you hate for the rest of year 11.
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    Preliminary Past Papers
