I've got:
Long version: MnO2(s)+NH4*(aq)+H2O+e- ➡ Mn(OH)3(s) + NH3(aq)
Shortened version but still the same thing: 2Mn02 +2e- +H2O ➡ Mn2O3+2OH-
Just that they excluded the NH3 so that it would be simplified so the Hs have to go somewhere reasonable.
If you want the easiest one, that will...
Its pretty alright, but I reckon they can do better. Ive been in the LAVA office, and the design is not amazing. They need to cover the front of the building where are the cars on the road have a look at the building, this will make the impression as you walk into the building a much more warm...
Maths is good, but architecture is not just about maths. I mean, if you are good at other things, you can get away with easy maths and hire a structural engineer and a draftsman. (coming from a person who does mathex2 haha)
There are different styles from what Ive heard. USYD is more theoretical, philosophical. UTS is more cutting edge and more connected with local architects. USYD apparently is more practical?? Not sure about that one.
I went on an Architecture summer school at UTS. It was alright... impressive...
Why is there no hint of any thing to do with the Faculty of Architecture??? I'd like to know more about this course in USYD. The cut off in 2012 was 96.95.
LOL i used to hate physics because of my teacher, dropped it now YAY!
LOVE exmath2
English is alright, ive got a gun teacher!
Fav prolly design and tech? just coz its my passion. but i really like my chem as well.
Hey, if you get 95+ in DT it actually scales up... And its a recommended subject for high standing Uni courses like Architecture. In fact if you get a band 6 in DT u can get 3 bonus points in UNSW for Architecture.