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  1. M

    Help! HSC production of ethanol assessment!

    Suggest future uses for the techniques identified in the production of ethanol???? Please help! thank you :)
  2. M

    PHYsics assignment Help!

    thank you... @fionarykim Donghae
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    Anicent History Essay HELP! Rome!

    essay question: How important was religion to the people living in the late republic of Rome? please suggest some reasons. thanks
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    PHYsics assignment Help!

    * outline the discovery of the expansion of the Universe by Hubble, following its earlier prediction by Freidmann. * Describe the transformation of matter which followed the 'Big Bang' * Outline how the accretion of galaxies and stars occurred through the expansion and cooling of the universe...
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    Chemistry assessment! HELP!

    How final yield can be predicted and how industry determines if the mining the mineral is economically viable?
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    LEGAL Assignment DUe Monday!!!HELP!!

    WHAT IS AN example of failure of existing law in relation to the conditions that give rise to law reform?????????? please help....
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    Legal Assignment HELP!

    how do you write an extended response on the topic "Domestic and international legal systems are highly effective in initiating and responding to change" reference to: the conditions that give rise to law reform, the agencies of reform and the mechanisms of reform. How do you started it...
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    HELP!!Ancient history assignment dueee soon!!!

    *Explain the differences between a modern archaeologist and an ancient (old) archaeologist??????