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  1. H


    Don't write notes for absolutely everything, only areas which you feel least confident about. Good luck ! :D
  2. H

    Do year 11 ranks usually correlate?

    In my school year 11 rankings don't correlate to year 12 rankings. Many people with high potential didnt really care about year 11 and used that time as prep for the next year. Year 11 is the year to make mistakes, my advice is do your best in year 11 and pick up on these mistakes before year 12...
  3. H

    What do you think is the hardest science?

    This question depends on what type of learner you are. For me, physics is the hardest. It requires understanding, application and calculation. If you aren't so great with memorising then you would say bio ( I don't personally do this subject). Chemistry to me is largely content based with a few...
  4. H

    Motivation/ success story for 2013/14 hscers

    so motivational that it gave me goosebumps :lol:
  5. H

    Sleep the night before exams

    Drink half a glass of milk and eat a banana it's a natural sleeping aid. Put on a pair of warm socks and you're all set ! :)
  6. H

    Essay help

    Thanks for the offer. Pm me about the prices please :)
  7. H

    Free Tutoring; Advanced English.

    PM me! You will help me so much ! :D Thanks