Can any estimate my ATAR please?
Egnlish Standard:20/92
Physics: 4/20
IPT: 1/5
Chinese Background Speaker: 1/7
School Rank:251
Thanks guys :)
Using right hand, writing half cursive and half printing under exam condition, normally just printing, still slow, but I did noticed that using a ball pen will increase the speed. Need to start practicing. :S
Hi guys, I am just curious how can you guys write about 1000 words in 40 minutes?
Even I tried to just copy the essay directly in full speed, I cannot exceed 930 words.
So, I didnt finish all questions in the trial.
How many words do you guys write in the trial per essay?
And how many words...
Can any estimate my ATAR please?
Egnlish Standard:29/95
Physics: 3/20
IPT: 1/5
Chinese Background Speaker: 2/8
School Rank:251
Thanks guys :)