well i'm applying for bachelor of science at unsw uSyd and macquire..also for sports and science at the same unis..i emailed them and they told that they look both my secondary and tertiary studies..and a friend of mine who was at the same position told me that because my secondary studies are...
anyone?if you dont know something that can help plz tell me where i should ask..should i call to uac or to a uni?i am in greece now and it's not easy for me to call..so if anyone know something it could help..
hello guys!I study physics in Greece and I finished my second year.But I will stop my studies here because I'm moving into Sydney.I'm gonna apply through UAC cause I have the Australian citizenship.I will apply for physics and also for other courses I like.If I do that is like I'm transferring...
Hmm nice!I'm gonna check these unis too!how about the subjects?we have to complete 56 subjects to graduate..is the number of subjects as big as in greece?are there any labs cause i have passed some here and maybe they can be recognised!
thanks for the link!I think about unsw or university of sydney..are there other universities in sydney with physics?which department is better of these 2 universities?
hey guys, I'm from greece and I study physics here..I have the australian citizenship and I'm gonna move into sydney soon to continue my studies!I would like to inform me about the department..how many years do I have to study and which is the number of subjects until the graduation?Here we have...