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  1. A

    General Thoughts

    I said it was because the flowchart doesn't sequence through the records, and that it never moves to next client ID --> infinite loop
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    General Thoughts

    I got the same as you except: 7 C (i think i got wrong, as i said Integer) 8 D (wasn't sure, guessed this) 16 D (and it's about acceptance testing not binary search) 18 D (not sure... but i thought it would expose areas when the data validation wouldn't work, and it also tests all pathways +...
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    Chemistry - "Water" Module Polar and Non-Polar

    You need to have more than one axis of symmetry. However keep in mind that you're drawing 2d models of 3d things, so sometimes all is not as it seems.
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    Is it too late to pick up Legal Studies?

    What makes you want to drop IPT? Because you find it boring? What's the appeal in legal? If you are only picking it up because it's the lesser of two evils, you'll find yourself in the exact same position in about 2 months time. BUT If you're picking it up because you're genuinely interested...
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    Go to James Ruse and still can't find motivation

    I feel exactly the same way. I just feel as though the stuff i'm learning has no relevance at all (*ahem* English) to any of my career options. I don't see how learning about Hamlet and belonging and all that bullshit will help me in life. My school is very competitive (people get very edgy if...
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    Yearlies are approaching, preliminary-ers!

    My school synched the trials with the prelim exams, so mine are over tomorrow!!! But it sucks. A lot. We had the same amount of assessment tasks in 5weeks that we should've had in 8 :\