MATH1041 - ok
MGMT1001 - RIP me
INFS1609 - RIPRIP me
INFS2603 - ok
In the middle of writing my INFS1609 paper I noticed a girl pissing her pants, then I forgot what i was going to write. Mind blank for the rest of the exam from the shock of watching someone casually pee in the middle of...
Everyone and their grandmothers are trying to get in, so I say so
edit: very generic questions. prepare for interview questions + scenarios. also know the school map well.
weakness questions, why are you here, what makes you stand out, explain a little about what you said here etc
I wrote 10 pages, about 1.5k words. 1 hr is enough :) You do it by writing the 2 poems into 1 or 2 (if you have more analysis) common paragraphs, then the rest 1 paragraph. I did Keats which is somewhat similiar. If you want to know the structure, i did mine like
1. keats poetry, include 2...
Rockdale, general eastern suburbs or somewhere like maroubra. Good transport, close to airport and beaches. I live on the beach and it's shit, have to catch a bus then a train to where ever the heck I want to go