Do 1031 if you want to get easy marks/easy HD or do 1131 if you're genuinely interested in learning new (and more interesting imo) maths. I did 1131 last year (146 combined) cause it was more interesting but regretted not taking 1141 because 1131 in fact has negative scaling because it's...
Don't know the dropout rates for either but 1141 scales up whilst 1131 scales down. Content wise, both consist of the same topics but 1141 goes into more depth + harder questions than 1131. The difference in difficulty is slightly smaller than the gap between 3U and 4U imo.
Hey there,
What major are you currently doing in your B Science degree (if at UNSW)? Because if you're majoring in Vision Science there is a lateral entry pathway for 1st years into B Optom where a decent (>60 %ile) UMAT + D average would have allowed you to do an internal transfer.
Make notes as early as poss and if you miss a lecture make sure you watch the recording at home. If you do most of your work at uni then you should have quite a bit of free time.
tbh it's not so much which tutoring centre they go to as it's their work ethic/aptitude that makes them "james ruse"
but on topic, Matrix and Talent100 are some of the more popular ones
Oh, well in that case assuming you've applied for EAS, you'll just have to wait and see if you get an offer. Bonus points for USYD are awarded a bit vaguely but the max is 5 iirc.
Yeah, there's a good chance you'll get in. Actually UMAT in the 50-60 is fairly common because people generally have an ATAR in the high end, so don't worry too much about it.
1) No, HSC Physics is not compulsory and you aren't really disadvantaged if you didn't do it (unless you take higher physics). I did fine without HSC Physics.
2) In 1st year we had ~150 people in Optometry + Vision Science (same subjects until 4th year) and about 60-70 are optom. So ~80 vision...