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  1. O

    What two prescribed texts are you using for Crime Fiction?

    We're doing Anil's Ghost, Rear Window and The Real Inspector Hound
  2. O

    Where my gays at?

    I think we should just start stripping...
  3. O

    Sadface, lol. OH WEL! Me and the bf got back together <3

    Sadface, lol. OH WEL! Me and the bf got back together <3
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    Where my gays at?

    I'm 16, and yeah I know they are, I'm just being patient ^-^ Its just annoying because it affects my friendships, not just my relationships People get pissed off because I'm too clingy/needy then pissed off because I don't give them enough attention and just wah
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    Where my gays at?

    No not funny :c Yeah, I used to be a 2, then gradually moved to a 6 :P
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    who would you turn gay for?

    But his body
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    who would you turn gay for?

    Daniel Craig I agree with :3 But why all so old? Jake Bass :drool: (don't google him, jus' sayin')
  8. O

    Wah thankyou :inlove:

    Wah thankyou :inlove:
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    Where my gays at?

    A curse I would wish upon no man HA THATS NOT TRUE So many people I wish was gay <3
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    Where my gays at?

    Not meaning to sound all depressing and shiz but my boyfriend broke up with me yesterday, which I'm not all that cut about because we were only together a week, but I'm cut because a) he broke up with me only because he didn't trust me (on no reasonable grounds) b) I have yet to have a...
  11. O

    who would you turn gay for?

    I'd go straight for Taylor Swift, Katy Perry or Emma Stone <3