Search results

  1. W

    Law at MQ vs USYD

    So, I'm having trouble deciding between studying law at Macquarie or USYD. The degree I would be doing is a Bachelor of International Studies w/ Bachelor Laws, which can be done at either uni. I understand that USYD is waaaay more prestigious than MQ, but the two things that are making me lean...
  2. W

    ATAR estimate please!!

    Standard English - 5/46 General Maths - 3/54 Extension History - 2/13 Modern History - 8/43 Ancient History - 3/42 German Continuers - 2/4 And my school rank is 38 I still have 50% of my assessments left, if that makes any difference. Thanks!
  3. W

    Transferring between courses

    I'm currently doing the HSC and hopefully I'll be studying at USYD in 2014. The course I want to do in particular is a Bachelor of Arts (Languages), but the ATAR is probably a little too high, considering I'm probably going to land somewhere around 90, and the requirement is 98.7. If that ends...