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  1. H

    Another Galvanic Cell Question

    But then what is reduced?
  2. H

    Another Galvanic Cell Question

    Would the H2O in the electrolyte be reduced?
  3. H

    Another Galvanic Cell Question

    But the zinc electrode was connected to the negative terminal therefore the zinc has to be oxidised
  4. H

    Another Galvanic Cell Question

    Ok thanks... SO what is reduced in a galvanic cell with a zinc electrode half cell in 1.0 M NaCl and a Graphite electrode in 1.0 M NaCl?
  5. H

    Another Galvanic Cell Question

    Hey guys, one more question. Can graphite be reduced in a galvanic cell?
  6. H

    Galvanic Cell

    Well it was a class examination and when over 20 groups did it, we all got the same result. The voltage went up everytime! Also I have another question, can graphite be used as a cathode in a galvanic cell?
  7. H

    Galvanic Cell

    Why when you decrease the concentration of electrolytes in both half cells of a galvanic cell does the voltage increase? Both electrolytes were NaCl????
  8. H

    Galvanic Cell

    Hey guys. For my chemistry practical we did a galvanic cell investigation, but in one electrolyte solution (NaCL). The electrodes were graphite and zinc. Can someone please explain how this even produces a reading on the voltmeter? There is a picture below?
  9. H

    ****Belonging Listening Task****

    Hey guys, I have a listening task tomorrow for my HSC English. Basically, we listen to a 15 minute listening of some text and then have to answer some questions. We are allowed to write notes while listening. How should I approach this? Any tips?
  10. H

    Roll Call: Class of 2014

    Hi guys Name- knobgobbler Subjects- Adv. English 4u maths 3u maths phys chem software design and dev. Aim- Biomedical Engineering or Architecture at UNSW so hopefully 90-95 atar....
  11. H

    Jersey names

    Hamish Clark is the name
  12. H

    Jersey names

    Hey guys XD. So I need to choose the name that I am going to have on my jersey very soon but cannot think of even one. Any suggestions?