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  1. J

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Sugging comes under ethics on syllabus not legal
  2. J


    A derivative is anything that lessens the risk of currency fluctuations. Hedging is when two parties agree and finalize a deal on an exchange rate Hence they arevery closely interlinked or at least that's how I interpret it
  3. J

    case study relavence?

    Thanks a lot !
  4. J

    case study relavence?

    Hey guys! Just wondering what's your opinion on case studies? I have one in detail just in case but i heard that as long as you can adapt hypothetical case scenarios then that is more then enough? Also heard speculation that you can make up your own statistics or facts to support your argument...
  5. J

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    Thanks mate, Legend! i have this tendency to overcomplicate simple things. Always do well on the hard stuff though
  6. J

    HSC General Maths Marathon

    Can anyone explain variation and inverse variation to me? Im generally hopeless when it comes to equations formulating my own equations. Any help is greatly appreciated.