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  1. T

    What's everyone doing POST HSC?

    obviously masturbating jeez i'm planning on beating 28 faps by a guy in USA wish me luck :)
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    2013 3&4U Raw Marks Database

    How about chem and phys raw marks mreditor
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    2014 BOS Trial Extension 2 Exam Results Thread

    :O but u were soooo confident........
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    2014 BOS Trial Extension 2 Exam Results Thread

    I feel sorry for carrot having to co soo much hard work ....
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    Official BOS Trial 2014 Thread

    i like to say tht i did better in 4u than in 3u... Like 3u the last 2 pages i had like no clue and i don't know if anyone could scab of any marks there.. in 4u i knew i was going to fail it was just a question of how much i fail. While 3u caught me of guard. Tbh the exam conditions and...
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    Favourite 4U Topic

    i'm not sure calculating the resistance of me chucking a ball up in the air or the ball coming down to the ground would necessarily help me launch a rocket to space. The hsc 4u mechanics is a symplified version so i'm not sure tht it contains the true elements of real life.... btw binomial...
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    Hardest topics in Harder 3U

    probability is like gg but wht u forgot to put in tht list was harder perms and combs. Time to do cases!!
  8. T

    Do you still study for 2u math if you do 4u?

    2unit never heard of it :P but seriously the 4u content itself is a mouthful to understand. I think extension1 maths has some of those 2unit component like series and superannuation. The only applicable 2unit subject tht is quite important for 4u is probability. Apart from tht extension 1 is...
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    Predictions for Chemistry 2014 HSC?

    It is 16:1 ratio of N:P (Pretty important to not get this wrong as my tutor who is a hsc marker and she take away marks for people not giving the correct details... SO watchout!!) Also you have to be familiar with the kjedahl's method of determining total nitrogen content of the sample and for...
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    Official BOS Trial 2014 Thread

    i'll do ext1 and ext 2 but i'll surely be rekt gg
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    Official BOS Trial 2014 Thread

    looks like i'm out for 4u after seeing first question in Q11 :(
  12. T

    Predictions for Chemistry 2014 HSC?

    i'll predict a lot of esters questions or those pracs in eutrophication/water quality questions
  13. T

    Adrita! You forgot my atar estimate!!

    school rank 100 but is a strong cohort this year might be around 69 this year RANK English standard 12/56 (trial mark= 66%) Mathematics extension 2 17/24 (trial mark= 73%) Maths extension 1 21/72 (trial mark = 84%)...
  14. T

    atar estimate thnx :D

    i heard tht everyone is mentioning adrita for atar estimate and i would be honored if she did my estimate :) school rank approx 100 but can be 70 this year (strong cohort) English standard 12/56 (trial mark= 66%) Mathematics extension 2 17/24 (trial mark= 73%) Maths extension 1 21/72...