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  1. breitil

    CSSA English Paper 2 Thoughts

    BAHAHHAHAH hey Holly
  2. breitil

    CSSA English Paper 2 Thoughts

    I was expecting worse tbh. Loved the comparative question, close study was really good, but module c was crap hated the question. Finished all the questions thank god
  3. breitil

    CSSA English aos paper 1

    Nah for comparative and close study, i should be fine it's just those stupid poems that'll stuff me over, we're doing Judith Wright ugh
  4. breitil

    CSSA English aos paper 1

    I think it was "justify the nature of personal discovery" something like that. This was the first stimulus with the photographer girl:
  5. breitil

    CSSA English aos paper 1

    That's me with maths, biggest regret farout. My goal is 9 pages for every module, cos i usually write that much. But three 40 minute essays is insane man i'm so worried, especially for module c
  6. breitil

    CSSA English aos paper 1

    1 paragraph? How?
  7. breitil

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    cssa papers are a bitch, they'll probably ask for two. AOS was new so they went easy asking for one related.
  8. breitil

    CSSA English aos paper 1

    Lol same i was so confused, I left comprehension last though and i avoided the climbing story for the 6 marker
  9. breitil

    CSSA English aos paper 1

    So paper 1 is over (i'm assuming for most people), how did you guys find it? I personally hated the stimulus for the CSSA paper
  10. breitil


  11. breitil


  12. breitil

    How to study for a listening task AOS Discovery?

    Learn all your aural/visual techniques well because its probably going to be a video (ted talk probs) or radio segment. Also, know your rubric inside out so you can always relate it back to Discovery.
  13. breitil

    Using other notes vs making your own?

    Yeah I use other people's notes and modify them to what I learn at school/through textbooks and reword them so I can understand. I just change the style to suit my studying preferences. It's easier that way when you have bigger, content based subjects.
  14. breitil

    Best number of units to have for HSC

    Ah yes, there we go '19' :p
  15. breitil

    Best number of units to have for HSC

    It's hard though :/ Right now I'm doing 14 units (technically) because I'm trialing both the Extension courses just in case I don't like them and stick to my 12. I have 2 subjects I'm not doing well in (both worth 2 units). If I drop chem and stick to 10, I won't have a buffer and I'll still...
  16. breitil

    Best number of units to have for HSC

    So my school isn't letting us drop down to 10 units because apparently 12 is optimum for the HSC. I'm sure there have been students who have achieved 90-95+ for their ATAR with 10 units but I don't know if I should just pick up Extension 2 English or Extension History just for the sake of having...
  17. breitil

    5 Dimensional Political Compass (just a little bit of fun)

    You are a: Socialist Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Progressive Collectivism score: 50% Authoritarianism score: 0% Internationalism score: 17% Tribalism score: -83% Liberalism score: 50% Interesting
  18. breitil

    would you stop buying hard copies of books and download them off the net?

    I've developed a habit of downloading and reading books on my iphone and if I like them, I'll buy the hard cover. I'm obsessed with bookshelves though so I want as many books as I can, but then again I've gotten used to reading on my phone :/
  19. breitil

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    oh gosh, we'll be finished in exactly a year from today aahhhh
  20. breitil

    'DISCOVERY' related texts

    Maybe take a look at the related texts for the Journey AOS and change the text to fit with your thesis and ideas on Discovery. In any case, all the AOS for the past years have been exactly the same, but with different words. Belonging, Change, Journey. They're all connected...