omg thanks, that's good to know... if it gets better then I'll probably continue. ahaha hi fives never been one for essay writing, chose accounting so I could run far far away lmao
tbh i'm just so scared that i've failed 1001, would give anything to not go thru that hell again... actually...
really ; a ; what do you mean by better? yeah 1001's the only unit I've done so far so I guess I can't say, but I've never been good at writing essays in general... dunno if commerce is for me.
Oh ok, thanks! I was worried about the selection being too generic & about missing vital info, because there's just so much choice...
(And yep, went for an Accounting elective but don't think I can choose anything rn. Also didn't grab BUSS1900 bc it's mandatory anyway, so... whoops. Time to edit?)
Phew, that's a huge load off my shoulders! I've been staring blankly at a textbook for like... a day... orz...
Maths isn't too bad for me, so hopefully I'll be alright even when the fiddly parts of Engineering come into play. Only did 3U though.
Thanks so much to you both! Super happy rn~ o u o
Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Biomedical)/Bachelor of Commerce!
First year here; super excited to start & meet new people! :3 Please, anyone have any general advice?
I've checked the USyd website and it seems as if they've finalized the ATAR cutoffs for each course - what's listed are the "2015 ATAR" requirements, and the info on-site is for future students. (If you're talking about Commerce (Liberal (?) Studies), the cutoff is still 98.)
Don't hold me on...
Did Romanticism here; I wasn't quite sure how to answer the question so I'm afraid it was quite generalized (& wow you guys wrote so much, I only managed six pages for each HOW DO U DO IT). Also the creative fit the prompt rather well yee.
That said, I'm happy to have been able to finish the...
All we've learnt is that microscopes are the pinnacle of human technology O U OOOOO b
IMO Biology this year was... strange. Not hard per se, but still curvy.
Lmao for the 7-marker drew out and described the structures but think I stuffed up general soap (also described cationics as "ammonia with alkyl groups!!")
Got most of the uses but generalized a little too much except for phosphate builders and branched anionic surfactants being a...
Hmm... ok so 52-3 worst case scenario *breathes* if BoS decides to be randomly mean and takes off marks for messy/terrible working.
Ahhh what if you're ranked low in cohort? The school as a whole is ranked well so would that balance out to E4?
YEE fellow Romantics :3 good to see - I swear it's not a very popular module! Like it though.
Goddamn I'm still writing my final essay/creative but am procrastinating here ; a ; definitely feeling too relaxed. Must not screw this unit tho crycry
Ehhhh?! That much? O A O'
But the test was actually very reasonable so how high could the cutoff rise? *prepares for worse-case scenario*.
Thanks so much for the estimate, though! :> It's really appreciated.
Heyo! I'm Tiff :>
I'm about to finish HSC in two days lmao, but yeah - English Advanced/Extension 1/2, Maths Advanced/Extension 1, Biology, Chemistry. Hoping to get an Atar of 95+ for Biomedical Engineering/Commerce at USyd! But I'd be happy with 90+; just want to get into my courses, is all...
Hmm, having looked at the solutions pretty sure I'll get 55/70 give or take, so hopefully that's enough to edge into E4 *crosses fingers*. ; u ;
My maths isn't very good (3u here orz) but it was an easier paper, so who knows how that'll work out.