What are the differences between the different international payments? I seem to be missing some notes on it =/.
Also, can someone explain derivatives, I have no idea what it is.
It's correct because in the end, using the LIFO approach is undervaluing the business's gross profit, which is a form of tax evasion, making it illegal in Australia.
Business studies, under inventory management of operations.
I have checked the Business studies high range response textbook. Haven't seen any visual displays, so I'm guessing it's not necessary to gain higher marks.
Yeah, that's all really good points, definitely think you will get a high mark, but if you didn't write a conclusion or something, you probably won't get full marks.
You will be fine trust me, if you have really good analytical points, you will score marks. You will most likely lose your marks in structure and form, so maybe 3-4 marks.
9/10 MC
Q11 - 13/15 - Forgot how to do limits ugh..
Q12 - 15/15
Q13 - 15/15
Q14 - 11/15 - Question b i worked out just when time ran out zzz...
Q15 - 11/15 - Probability screwed me
Q16 - 10/15 - Holy crap,
Agree that this exam was so much harder than last years or alot of past papers T.T
Well i reckon it's not about how hard the paper is but how best you can avoid making silly mistakes, except during the last few questions where you need to think >.<"
What is the discriminant used for and how do you know which types of questions requires the use of the discriminant.
For example, the last question 16c in the 2012 paper requires you to use the discriminant, but i don't understand why. Help would be much appreciated thanks and best of luck...
It says compared to the base year so you need to compare year 3 to year 1.
So rather than using year 3 and 2, use year 3 and year 1 to calculate the inflation rate and your real GDP.
So Inflation Rate = 125-100/100 = 25%
Real GDP = Nominal (820) / 1.25 = $656.0
I found it quite challenging but after you decoded it, it wasn't too bad:
Module A: Found it easy but I'm worried, i didn't talk about my appreciation, but the audience's appreciation, which technically includes me also. Is that still ok?
Module B: It was hard to decode, time and place kinda...