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  1. EpaX

    HSC Engineering Studies Tutoring | 2014 HSC: 96 Engi, 98.80 ATAR

    Hi everyone, I am a 2014 HSC graduate and am offering private or small class tutoring for HSC Engineering Studies (mainly for 2016 HSC students) in the west (Parramatta/Merrylands/Fairfield area). Graduating with a mark of 96 in Engineering Studies (ranked 1st in my school) and an ATAR of...
  2. EpaX

    Estimated ATAR v Real ATAR

    BoS estimate (post-half-yearlies): 98.5 School estimate (based on trials): 96-98 Personal goal: 99 Actual ATAR: 98.8 :/
  3. EpaX

    Engineering Studies marks!

    just out of curiosity
  4. EpaX

    Engineering Studies marks!

    Hey, all! If you do engineering studies, could you share your mark for it along with your internal rank and (rough) school ranking? Relatively few people do this subject and so there's not much info on marks and trends. I got a 96 for this subject, ranked 1/9 internally from a school...
  5. EpaX

    Share your ATAR here

    98.80 ATAR goal (99+) not achieved... screw you english
  6. EpaX

    Should I ask for a result check???

    I have a similar issue; for english advanced, I got 85 for internals but 81 for externals, despite getting consistent solid B's (minus the one time I got 7/15 for creative) in school assessments and 80/105 in trials (~89-90 aligned?).
  7. EpaX

    Top Achievers in Course List

    hahaha, not when the subject is engineering studies - a.k.a. the subject with godlike aligning but sh** scaling Yep, I believe we exchanged marks through a third party earlier. Congrats on the state ranks :)
  8. EpaX

    Top Achievers in Course List

    Damn... in a subject with 10 state ranks, if someone who came 8th got 96 internal, 97 external and I got 96 for both (with rank 1 internal), did I just miss out on a state rank?
  9. EpaX

    When are the state rank lists released?

    and the wait goes on...
  10. EpaX

    Share your 2014 HSC results here

    Subject Int/Ext/Overall Eng Adv 85/81/83 (gg) Engineering 96/96/96 Math X1 98/97/98 Math X2 95/95/95 Phys 92/92/92 anyone here doing engineering care to share their mark? :)
  11. EpaX

    First in Course List

    anyone know when they will be? And why did they post 1st in state so early?
  12. EpaX

    First in Course List

    3 actually, the other fort street kid came first in Financial Services under the school name "Sydney Institute - Petersham College"
  13. EpaX

    Carrotsticks' 2014 Extension 1 HSC Solutions

    hmm so for the circle locus question (13 c. iii.) is the restriction on the locus x=/=0 ? if yes, would we lose a mark for not putting that restriction even if we got the equation of the circle?
  14. EpaX

    Carrotsticks' 2014 Extension 1 HSC Solutions

    11 f) the derivative of e^x lnx should have a + sign, not a - sign
  15. EpaX

    E4 raw mark??

    what do you guys think a 66-68/70 would equate to?
  16. EpaX

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    Do you reckon you can get the mark for the height if you just simply subbed in h = sqrt(y^2 - (y^2)/4) without drawing a diagram or labeling how you deduced the value of h?
  17. EpaX

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    "without using calculus, sketch the graph y = x^2 - 1/x^2" *uses calculus in pencil to check intercepts, asymptotes and trends*
  18. EpaX

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    anyone wanna take a guess at what the 4 marks are allocated for for the trapezium volume question?
  19. EpaX

    General Thoughts: Engineering Studies

    I'm saying it should be B