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  1. techlog

    Describe UNIX operating System

    Can someone please describe what a UNIX OS is and what it does? ~Techlog
  2. techlog

    What are CPU cores?

    When a CPU (Central Processing Unit) is Dual Core it has the speed of two cores which has a speed displayed in MHz or GHz so times the Amount of MHz or GHz by the amount of cores and you get how fast the computer can process. ~Techlog
  3. techlog

    Year 10/11 English Tips Please

    Hello Everyone I need serious help with my English grades, since my class hardly ever does anything (including my teacher) I am seriously worried for my education in English since I am one of the very few in my class that actually want to pass but no matter how much I try to pay attention in...
  4. techlog

    Advanced English Essay Writing Guide

    This Guide has much needed detail but would this be suitable for someone like me in Year 10? I mean, I seriously need to up my game in English since I'm in borderline passing and that clearly isn't enough for what my planned future is of what I intended it to be so could someone simple it down...
  5. techlog

    Yr.10 Engineering Question

    ur not going to get many answers if u keep bumping lol buuuuuut~ (h = peak height reached, M_i = Initial mass of water only, M_R = Rocket mass with water, P_i = Initial gauge pressure inside rocket, \rho = density of water, g = acceleration due to gravity) Assumptions for the above equation...