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  1. Vision

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    End of Week 7.
  2. Vision

    The Anime Thread

    Just finished watching SAO 2 and Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku (A choice with no regrets - OVA 2). Absolutely loved the crap out of SAO 2, bar the Calibur arc. Gun Gale Online I thought was amazing. Initially I didn't think they'd be able to pull me in with an FPS game but I was...
  3. Vision

    The Anime Thread

    Finished watching SAO and thoroughly enjoyed it! It got quite slow from episodes 15-20 during the ALO arc but the episodes after that I thought were pretty amazing. Experienced so many f33ls throughout the season and was so happy to see Kirito and Asuna finally together (I'll admit, I wanted to...
  4. Vision


    Timetables are out now.
  5. Vision

    Share your semester 2 - 2014 marks!

    In my time here, most people I've seen attend UNSW and USYD, some go to UTS. But hey, at least you guys have a marks thread! I think this is the first time since 2005 (..?) USYD hasn't had a marks thread. That's just me being optimistic though lol. All aside, congratulations on your marks...
  6. Vision

    VIRO3001 and VIRO3002 - Virology and its medical applications!

    Hey guys I am looking to undertake both units and was wondering what views people who have done this course, have? If you have done this course, can you please comment on the difficulty, rote-learning required, organisation and your experiences with the final and in-semester assessments...
  7. Vision

    FREE notes! 'Belonging: HSC Marker's Tips'!

    Free notes? Who can refuse?? Yes please!
  8. Vision

    Free Periods

    Haha that's exactly what the librarians at my school say! @OP During free periods, it would probably be beneficial to use your time wisely and do something productive like homework, or otherwise notes and assignments. But, like a lot of others have said, with your friends there you tend to get...
  9. Vision

    Complex Numbers

    Haha yeah it was from Terry Lee. Don't worry about posing the solution though, I managed to figure it out (Thanks carrot).
  10. Vision

    Complex Numbers

    Hey, Simplify, leaving your answers in exact values. \left(\frac{1+cos\frac{\pi}{7}+isin\frac{\pi}{7}}{1+cos\frac{\pi}{7}-isin\frac{\pi}{7}}\right)^7 Thanks in advance :)
  11. Vision

    reliabiliity and vaalidity quesiton

    Not necessarily, that's dependant on the type of situation. For example, considering the historical concepts of physics - history doesn't exactly change and therefore it doesn't really matter when the site was updated. However, when considering theories it may be more reliable to use a more...
  12. Vision

    reliabiliity and vaalidity quesiton

    I believe the reliability of information is to do with comparing the information to other sources to see if the information matches up/ information is consistent. Reliability would also be to do so with the 'authenticity' of the information, such as sources from textbooks, .edu, .gov, which are...
  13. Vision

    2014'ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Exams already? Geez, I only have a 2u maths exam coming up in 2 weeks.
  14. Vision

    2014'ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Yeah I am :D, I try practice for UMAT 30 minutes to 1 hour a day. How about you?
  15. Vision

    Complex Numbers

    Oh right I see, thank you!
  16. Vision

    Complex Numbers

    Hey guys, Been stuck on this question for some time now, but I have a feeling i'm over-thinking it. If w is a complex cube root of unity, show that: (1+w-w^2)^3 - (1-w+w^2)^3 = 0 Thanks :)
  17. Vision


    Sorry to say, but sketching the graph isn't 4u, you should be learning it in 3u. You'll probably learn it soon though.