I agree with Photastic. A 91/105 for Eng Adv is definitely hard to obtain especially with your rank. Your average percentage throughout the year is not really a good indication of how you would do in the HSC as it depends on the difficulty of your school assessments and how hard your school...
I think it is highly unlikely that you can get an "A" range response with 800 words. Like my English teacher says you need around 1000-1200 words approx to get into an "A" range. 800 words basically locks you into the "B" range. It is hard to get the quality without the quantity. Even if you...
I think the argument is more important than the conclusion. In my opinion you would rather have a complete last body paragraph than a conclusion. My friend didn't have a conclusion for her mod C essay in the trials and she still managed to get a 17/20, and we are talking about a selective school...
I would say repeat Year 12. Since year 12 has been an unfortunate year for you, I'm sure your results do not reflect the best of your abilities. I mean if the appeal is successful, there's nothing to lose, it's just one term into the HSC year anyways. I'm not too sure about your current...
I go to a top 15 school. Trust me, even with those ranks at my school, you can barely secure a 90. A school ATAR estimate would probably lie in the low-mid 80s. But then again, it really depends on your cohort. So don't get disheartened :) Just try your best!
Yes, I agree. Atar estimates at this point are pointless, you should really just try your hardest.
And Yes I agree those are good scaling subjects. But you must take in account of his rrank and school rank. Also good scaling subjects don't necessarily guarantee you a good ATAR let me tell you...
From my understanding, internal school marks don't really matter. It is the internal school rank that matters :) as it really depends on the difficulty of the examinations at your school, how your cohort performs etc. Just as long as your cohort performs well then I'm sure 90 is achievable!
Haven't heard back from EY and I've done my aptitude test a few weeks ago. However, my friend got a rejection letter from EY last week or was it the week before.
Maths ext- extremely challenging and requires a lot of time. It's sometimes hard to stay on top of the homework. I found year 11 ext maths much easier than year 12.
Ancient history- love it! The content is easy and it's easy to score high marks just as long as you answer the question and support...