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    Double degree course help plz save me

    Thanks omg ur a life saver... :skip::hat:
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    Double degree course help plz save me

    Yeah that's the course doing... And calling the student center would be the last option tbh Btw what course are u doing??
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    Double degree course help plz save me

    Yea that's what I thought too but when I emailed the student center and asked them the same question they told me to chose MATH1141 if I did MX1 or MX2 and got a combined score of over 175..(I didn't) My god idk what to do freakin out here... Don't wanna call either coz I'll have a panic...
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    Double degree course help plz save me

    Hey Im doing a double degree in adv sci/ engineering and am confused about the following: In the course rules they state 'Where offered in a particular major, students must take higher versions of courses. Any variation to this must be approved by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate...