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    While I agree with ALawrence, we were marked down in our trials for not putting the thesis statement first (a lot of people in our class didn't do well with thesis statements), eg. writing the introduction and then having the thesis statement. Idk how your teacher marks or even HSC yet (=l) but...
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    Discovery: The Motorcycle Diaries Related Texts (help!)

    I used the 100 Foot Journey (book) and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (movie) as my two related texts. They linked in pretty well for such a weird/boring prescribed text (feel so sorry for you having to do it!!). Best of luck =)
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    Biology Essay!!??

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    chemistry calculations (and equations)?

    What if your teacher is incredibly vague and preoccupied (and also hasn't taught chem in over 3-4 years...)?? Me and a friend went to some HSC lecture things last week and realised that there is a lot of content that we don't actually know, but now don't have the time to re-teach ourselves a lot...
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    Biology Essay!!??

    If it says to include diagrams, as strawberrye said, you better include them and refer to them. If you don't know how to write a scientific essay you better talk to your teacher bc you'll be writing a lot more and it's a skill that you defs need to have if your doing any type of science.
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    Biology Essay!!??

    Firstly, set it out as the criteria has asked, aka a-c. Secondly, what are you confused about? It seems to explain itself pretty well; talk about the different abiotic (In biology and ecology, abiotic components or abiotic factors are non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment...
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    Trial Question

    I'd say that as technology has advanced so has scientific understanding, and basically any advances from the telescope and space to other stuff that I can't think of atm =D
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    Physics Youtube channel

    My physics teacher sent us the link today to look at haha. Awesome videos tho =D
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    Bio Questions HELP!!

    The textbook (if you have one...hopefully you do) would be a good place to start, but otherwise if you google each question you should get some good, relevant information. It looks like a lot of information, but if you look at each question separately and break it down, then it'll seem/become a...
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    Chemistry Hw Help

    1. - make sure theres no air bubbles (especially if doing BOD/DO testing) as it will change the results (the air will diffuse into the water and give an inaccurate reading) - make sure that no silt/contamination gets in (stand downstream, don't upset the riverbed etc.) 2. use probes and...
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    engineering question

    Ok, glad to know that someone's done it. Yeah ok, fair enough. Ok thanks, defs like science haha I've gotten that once, otherwise consistently below 50% =/ Sounds kinda hard...but like if I work hard enough and want to do it then it could work?? Ok, thanks Yeah, born here...
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    engineering question

    I'd move to America or wherever, my physics teacher's son in law is an aerospace engineer and he's had trouble finding work so yeah aware of that to some degree. Ok, I'll keep mulling it over. Thanks =)
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    engineering question

    ok thanks =)
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    Is high school a jungle?

    I'm at a Christian private school, and swearing's around all the time (just not so much around teachers haha). Most of our year's on drugs and drinking every other night, but as a year group we've all matured a lot and so we just get on with our work and whatever. It is a process of personal...
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    Best Year 12 Physics Textbooks

    PiF is really good
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    engineering question

    So I had a bit of a revelation in my double free today while watching the SpaceX launch of Eutelsat and ABS, and that is that I actually flippin love rockets and to work with them would be amazing and so damn cool. So, I'm thinking about changing from physiotherepy at UNI (still in yr12 so...
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    Is anyone else scared?

    yeah...but dude chill. it'll be good =)
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    Should I learn an instrument during year 11?

    I've heard that learning an instrument (or singing) increases memory somehow...but apart from that depends on how well you can deal with stress and create a timetable and actually stick with it in terms of practice and study. I had guitar lessons yr8-yr11 but dropped this year because my...
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    mental health or marks?

    I'm not sure about marks, but you're mental state is WAY more important than marks. While marks are important to a degree in getting to where you want to go, you're mental state will affect you way more (Ik from personal expereince). PM if you want to talk about it more, but hope that helps =)
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    To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle-what do people think?

    Re: To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle-what do people th bump