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  1. T

    Pen vs. Pencil

    yea its darker than 2hb
  2. T

    Dropping out of uni altogether?

    if i was you just try finishing this semester and see where you are. If your nor happy with your degree maybe look for another one you can transfer in or best if you take a gap semester or year to cool things down and see if you want to continue or not. Talk to your parents/relatives about this...
  3. T

    Why don't you stop wasting your time on this website and revise?

    lool mate then what bt yourself. arent you wasting your own precious time posting?
  4. T

    ATAR estimate Can I get an 88?? D:

    Yea pretty much just aim for your best getting a little higher wont hurt just give it everything you have. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  5. T

    Model an Equilibrium reaction

    its a physical process mention that
  6. T

    ATAR estimate please

    have a look at your last years results from your school and you can determine the band 6/5 etc. but i reckon you are around the middle 92.5ish.
  7. T

    ATAR estimate Can I get an 88?? D:

    yes if you do well in your externals