Search results

  1. M

    Which degree?

    I've been offered the following: B Health Science at ANU (with accomm at Burgmann College) B Biomedicine at Uni Melb (no accomm sorted) Which would be better? Using them as a basis for postgrad med
  2. M

    School Rankings

    I think my school dropped 200 places or so. Ranking doesn't matter, as long as everyone gets the results they need. I got a 92 at a school in the 400's, and another kid got a 97.
  3. M

    Post your 2018 university offers here

    B Medical Science at ANU. Waiting for Jan round 1 to see if I get B Health Science at ANU.
  4. M

    Not drinking at Uni?

    How is it a big thing at ANU?
  5. M

    90+ with no Band 6's

    I managed to crack a 92.35 without any Band Sixes (all high Band 5's). Is this common? Did anyone else end up with something similar? Eng Adv: 89 Eng Ext 1: 42 Bio: 89 Chem:87 Legal:88 Math 2U (only one Unit counted):86
  6. M

    Not drinking at Uni?

    As I approach going to uni (most likely ANU), I've been interested in how true the perceived "drinking culture" of Uni is. I'm completely abstinent from drugs and alcohol, and am a little worried that this will make it harder to meet people (if social events are largely focused on getting...
  7. M

    ANU vs Monash

    I'm in a situation probably not too uncommon for a lot of people here. I sat the UMAT and was one mark off, and having been getting the residual 'fuck-off' letters. My back up options are as follows 1) ANU Bachelor of Health Science 2) Monash Biomed/Nursing (possible wildcard in to Medicine...
  8. M

    Prog music

    Gojira and Rush are excellent. YYZ was my main piece until I dropped music
  9. M

    Metal music

    Really digging Black Dahlia Murder right now (Abysmal rips), and Toothegrinder. They're quite an underground band for the moment, but have massive potential.
  10. M

    Advice for succeeding in Year 11/12

    Hello. I have just started year 11, studying Extension English, Chemistry, Biology, Music, Legal Studies, and Mathematics. I go to quite a disadvantaged school, and am wondering how to succeed despite my horrible teachers. My Chemisty teacher and Advanced English teachers are the main things...
  11. M

    Have I chosen the right subjects?

    I chose my subjects on a whim, because the whole process of getting an ATAR/ doing my HSC seemed completely illogical. I'm looking to go into Medicine Courses/ Bio-medical Science, and have just had my courses selected for Year 11. I go to a very poor school, with quite bad results (Camden Haven...