Marking Feedback for Q11 MX1:
All around a good performance on a question with parts of varying difficulty. Students should learn to try and manage their time well, so attempting the start of questions can easily help pick up marks.
For 11(a), multiple methods worked, especially simplifying the...
Hi all, I marked Q13 of the MX2 and below is my feedback. Keep in mind that I will still have the question papers until the end of the week so if you want specific feedback send me a DM. Overall, a tough question at face value, but once the tricks are recognised, and if strong justification is...
A decent effort on a tough question. With an average mark of roughly 4.5/15, and a top score of 13/15, it is crucial to pick up any marks where necessary. The variety in topics combined with time restraints made this question difficult overall.
Q12a could only progress if the...
Throughout the marking period, I found the answers tended to vary in style and methodology. With an average of 7.23, and a maximum of 14, it was clear that individuals struggled in certain aspects.
(a) Students who successfully used 10^n = (7+3)^n and provided clear logical...
Good morning,
From being a BoS student to now marking the exam 3 years later makes me really honoured to be a part of this community. Thank you to Trebla for helping organise this. I'll post my marker's comments in the next two replies.
2 things,
Looking for a copy of the paper, is there anything anywhere?
With the rotation of the conic point thingo, i made it into a complex number and multiplied by i then converted it back. It got me the answer so I hope I'm not wrong.
Honestly you can't tell. They could do probability again just a different style of question, seeing as 2016 and 2017 last question were from vastly different areas of probability. They literally could ask a hard question on halving the interval (was in my trial once), Pascal's triangle or even...
Both the papers were challenging and orginal in their own ways. Questions such as the milk one in 3u and non-uniform circular which turned into a projectile were both creative and challenging. Thanks again for an amazing day, never gonna forget being humiliated that much!!!!!
What about more specifically in engineering, I'm doing 4u maths and aiming for 90 raw which is pretty solid. What's the difference between uni and school maths as well?