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  1. D

    Cheap umat resources!!!

    Hi, could I please get a PM of the pictures? Cheers !
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    WTF should I do??

    Yeah, enclosed tables are a pain. Honestly, though I can relate because in my chem, bio and phys prac tests/ depth study tests so far I've done fairly well but lost a LOT of marks from drawing tables/ graphs. It's super annoying because it's literally things like not ruling the axis lines on...
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    Good 5.3 Math textbook

    Same ^. Cambridge is really good with great examples, clear layout and covers syllabus well. Most selective schools I know use it too.
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    Year 11 Subject Selections

    Advanced for sure. The scaling that comes with advanced is miles better than standard, when the difference honestly isn't that much. The workload is virtually the same, just try to hone your english analysizing skills and you should be fine honestly. Ranking average in advanced is a lot better...
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    Help on subjects to choose

    Advanced always. If you can choose between general/standard and advanced, always go advanced. It's honestly not a lot harder, but the scaling is much better. You can always drop down if you are struggling (which I doubt tbh). Physics seems to work well with engineering but not so much for...
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    Is it possible to get .95 with my subjects?

    Everyone has been telling me it's ~impossible~ to get .95 without Extension 2 maths, especially since I'm just doing advanced lmao. I'm planning to do Chem, Bio, Modern, Adv Math, Adv Eng, Eng Ext 1 and 2. I know everyone says that 'you can get a high atar with any combination of subjects' but...
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    Electing VA As A HSC Subject

    Kind of. It wouldn't be harder in terms of art, but you would have missed the experience of the theory which I believe is the more difficult component tbh. The theory and essay writing becomes a lot harsher, stricter and a lot more is required from the elective years. However, this shouldn't put...
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    Year 10 Subject Selection

    I do Modern right now! Super interesting subject and just one thing- if you are taking Ext English and you want to do it for HSC/ doing 4u modern history is a MUST. It gives so much context information for Ext and will actually save you so much time from researching bc you will already know it...
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    All three Sciences for Year 11 and 12?

    Currently doing 3 sciences right now (for the new syllabus too), so here's my opinion lmao. Only pick it if you genuinely like science and you're confidant in your ability to do well. For the workload, yes it is a lot (but in my opinion, not too much different compared to other subjects...
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    In need of a physics tutor

    I heard Sigma is really good as well, but you might also want to check out Ace.
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    Do the Rich Rule Selective Schools??

    Kind of. I go to a top 5 selective school and a lot of the people there are richer than the average person/family, but definitely not to the extent that we are pouring out money. It is definitely NOT comparable to a private school. There is also an equal amount of people who aren't as wealthy...
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    Is it possible to score a band 6 with Standard Mathematics?

    We are part of the new syllabus but maths has been delayed, so all the past papers are still fine for maths!
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    Do schools scale their internal assessment marks?? (before HSC)

    My old school did. I went to a rank~25 school and I noticed they SIGNIFICANTLY scaled our internal marks from our raw test marks to our reports. In year 10 maths I got a ~70% (term 3) and a 77% (yearly). I got a 85% in my semester 1 report. I recieved an A with 90% in my year 10 semester 2...
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    Engineering Studies or Food Technology??

    Change. If you aren't enjoying a subject it's not worth suffering through when there is something else that would be more interesting. It seems a bit late to change though, but if you put a lot of work you could catch up.
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    Yeats essay HELP

    How does Yeat use different techniques to show his ideas of inspiration to make his poetry memorable and worthwhile? Portrayal --> the techniques used in his writing Complex nature of inspiration --> What is inspiration? What are the values associated with inspiration? What is YEAT'S...
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    Year 11 Subjects for Sydney Girls High?

    You could always do open schools, but it's a really troublesome process and isn't recommended. From the people who have done it, they've told me it's a long, very frustrating and very messy process, so I would only go for that if you really love the subject. Other option is don't go to SGHS, or...
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    English help for yr 10

    Hi! I cbbs typing up tips but feel free to message me for tips/help and I'll send u my year 10 essays if you want !
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    Can I still use old textbooks and past papers?

    I think they're still good. I'm doing the new chem and physics too, and I've being using a LOT of old resources especially for physics. I used my friend's Matrix book from the old syllabus, since our Mod 1 (kinematics) was in their Year 11 syllabus too. Generally for physics, the textbooks...
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    Mini PIP Ideas

    The way people percieve video games/ anime, stereotypes assosciated with them ? Not sure haha, good luck !
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    Self Studying??

    For physics and chemistry, I find Khan Academy videos to be great! Its a really good introduction to the topics or to just catchup/revise the topics, since it quickly explains you the concepts which you can then study in depth yourself. Watching the videos have been really helpful to me...