Yeah its alright, just need to not screw up the test tho cause they accept you based on that, mostly worried about the English part ironically bc I have no clue as to what stimulus they will give me
Not bad, an As in the main stuff, like English, Maths, Science and Engineering, and a B in everything else
And caringbah didn't take co-curricular stuff but for my sydney tech application I had like
Maths Olympiad
House Captain
Public Speaking
2 Academic Awards in English
Two other academic...
I have been loading myself with maths, tho I don't think the maths I am doing will be in the test cause its like end of year ten stuff Lmao, and nah this is my first time doing something like this. Third time moving schools tho lmao
Hey everyone, I am in year 10 and applying for Caringbah Highschool and Sydney Tech this year for placement into year 11, I am doing the tests for Caringbah this week, any tips for it? And any tips for the Sydney tech test?