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  1. F

    Study a preferred course far away from home or study a 2nd preferred course (not a pathway to 1st) degree that is near home?

    Yes, It was actually on one of my preference and got accepted. The first and second year are almost the same. If I do ever do the course, I'm going to hope its not super hard to transfer (maybe not hope but rather work my butt off).
  2. F

    Study a preferred course far away from home or study a 2nd preferred course (not a pathway to 1st) degree that is near home?

    Is that so, then Ill look out onto it, as I'm sure they vary in (different years???) I would like to ask if any of these factors affect the chance of getting in (unless they only look at your mark). -Same university attended - A bridging course / related course such as exercise sport. Thank you...
  3. F

    Study a preferred course far away from home or study a 2nd preferred course (not a pathway to 1st) degree that is near home?

    Thank you for your reply, I will really consider studying at CSU right now after hearing about how difficult it is, I think its best that I take the course instead and see how hard getting a (HD WAM??), if not then still remain in the course, rather than going to a closer university near home...
  4. F

    Study a preferred course far away from home or study a 2nd preferred course (not a pathway to 1st) degree that is near home?

    Hi all! After receiving my ATAR last December, I got an ATAR in the low 80s and wanted to do physiotherapy, however, did not make it into any universities in Sydney. I did however make it into CSU physiotherapy. Although this ATAR is considered to be decent OR good to some people, I couldn’t...